Nutrition & Wellness Blog

by Carolina Levie

My blog is full of useful tips, scientific information and news related to nutrition and wellness. Through these blogs, you are kept up-to-date with the latest news and developments.

Sugar Nutrients

in Nutrition


Nutrients are ingredients found in nature that our body recognizes for proper function. Sugar nutrients are very important for the function and structure of the cells that are the building blocks of health and wellness.  These sugars, natural and plant-sourced give your body what it needs to maintain good health. They are the operating system of our cells.

What are these essential sugars?

Glucose, Fucose, Mannose, Galactose, Xylose, N-acetylglucosamine, N-acetylgalactosamine, and N-acetylneuraminic are eight of the 200 sugars that naturally occur in nature. These sugars or carbohydrates are the missing links in human nutrition. These eight essential sugars are the alphabet that our cells use to communicate with one another.  They are literally the alphabet of life.  They are the operating system of the human body.

Every cell in our body is supposed to have these vital sugars attached to it so that it can send messages and receive messages from other cells and from the immune system.

They are essential for our immune system to function the way it is designed.

  1. to fight things bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungus and
  2. to avoid autoimmune conditions

Your health starts at a cellular level!!!

These essential sugars give our cells what they need so they can function with their innate intelligence.


Glycans derived from the Greek word “glyco” meaning sweet – sugar. These glycans are not the sugar that we know and like very much. These sugars are good sugars – they are structural sugars needed for proper cell communication and function. The human body has about 60 trillion cells with specific functions. Every single cell in the body is covered with a dense forest of these sugars that protect, repair, restore and regenerate. These sugars are the missing link in nutrition and are the building blocks of life.

Sugar nutrients are another type of nutrients that support your immune system. They are so significant that they determine our types of blood O, A, B, AB.

Another interesting fact is that these five sugars are found in breast milk. The reason why breastfeeding is so important for babies’ brain development. The liver can produce these sugars, however, as an emergency mechanism.

In October 2012, The National Academy of Science (NAS) Publication, wrote: Transforming Glycoscience: – A Roadmap for the Future – “Glycoscience, a field that explores the function and structure of sugars.”
“Every living cell on the planet is covered with a dense and complex array of glycans.”
“Every disease that affects humans significantly involves glycans.”

We understand today the importance of glycoscience for the health of our cells – building blocks of blood, tissue, organs and systems of our body.

Click here to read a Glycoscience Publication

Contact me to find out more about gluconutritients

Gut health – The seed of life

in Nutrition


There are many factors that contribute to our sense of nourishment and fulfillment. From birth and as we age our unique needs, lifestyle, preferences, and ancestral background play an important role as to who we are and how we feel. Food plays a major role in our health, however, healthy relationships, a fulfilling career, regular physical activity, and a spiritual awareness are also essential forms of nourishment. Maintaining a balanced lifestyle between nutrition and wellness assures long-lasting optimal health.

How you look is how you feel…….

Gut health

People today are sidetracked and ignore what is happening in their life. Prioritizing the day is difficult and overwhelming. Stress, processed food and busy lifestyles are distracting us from taking care of our body, mind and spirit. Resulting in lack of energy, premature aging, hormone disharmony, weight gain, obesity, negative thoughts and overall not being satisfied with who we are.

Modern life impacts our health on a daily basis. However, the importance lays in making the right decision in choosing nutritious, good quality and quantity of food that nourishes our cells, tissue, organs and systems for optimal well-being. In addition to healthy food choices, emotional behavior plays an important role in how our bodies digest and process food.


It is like an orchestration to many organs, hormones and neurons playing together to be able to digest and absorb nutrients.


It is the process of absorption and secretion of fluids and nutrients so that your body is able to grow and survive.


It is the combination of all chemical reactions in the body from digestion to the use and storage of energy in individual cells.

The GUT is in touch with the outside world (food, emotions, noise, smell, toxins, chemicals, etc..) and behaves as the gatekeeper. It is the largest sensory organ and is constantly in communication. It determines what stays in the body or what should be disposed of.

From ancient wisdom we know that the Gut receives impressions and communicates with the brain. “Go with your gut feeling” “ I feel butterflies in my stomach” – “I have a knot in my stomach” are examples that express this without us actually realizing the source.

The Gut is the second brain – it has more neurons than the spinal cord and it operates independently from the brain. It plays an important role in immunity, hormone regulation, blood sugar, eliminates toxins, serve as an internal pharmacy creating natural antibodies and brain health.

In summary, the Gut has a larger function than just digestion. It is the core and foundation of our health.

A large part of gut health depends on having a healthy gut immune system. We know 80% of the immune system resides in the gut and is essential for optimal health.

Your gut is like your garden. It is an ecosystem where diversity, richness and resiliency of bacteria are needed to have a healthy and balanced microbiome.

Diversity variety and quality of species to complement each other’s tasks.  Bacteria diversity is the KEY to gut health. Imagine, having a team each with a specific discipline to accomplish the project to make it successful. Taking probiotics like fermented foods and a varied diet is essential…

Richness represents quantity, how many bacteria genes you have and the ability of those species to colonize or make a home in the gut. Exposing your self to fermented food and soluble fiber (food for your bacteria) are great foods to bacteria richness.

Resiliency The ability of a microbial community to return to equilibrium after trauma.


I help and support you to strengthen and balance your microbiome by assessing your current diet and or lifestyle choices. Incremental changes and adjusting behavior are pillars for a sustainable diet.

As you care for your garden you need to care for our gut microbiome ecosystem. Eating the right food is important for the diversity of the gut.

Did you know you need to feed those bugs in your gut?

Those little tiny microbes are essential for growth and survival. They are working hard to produce byproducts like vitamins, fatty acids, hormones and neurotransmitters. Having a balanced diet with healthy carbohydrates, fats, protein and glyconutrients are the foundation for gut health.


  1. Eat soluble fiber. It is the corner stone of a healthy microbiome and is the food for your bacteria. – onions, garlic, leeks, jicama, asparagus, Jerusalem artichoke.
  2. Eat whole grains and unprocessed. Avoiding gluten..
  3. Consume fermented foods – sauerkraut, kombucha, kefir.
  4. Include healthy fats – include unsaturated plant-based fats like coconut/olive oil
  5. avocado and walnut oil and ghee (clarified butter)
  6. Farm to the table will increase your microbe intake, so shop at farmers which are close to the source.

Learn more about Gut protocol

“All diseases begin in the gut”, Hippocrates

in Nutrition

Realizing how you feel when you eat is the first step to understand what your body needs in terms of food and nutrition. Eating a variety of food rich in protein, healthy fats and carbohydrates will provide the required nutrients and raw material for a healthy body.

As we age, metabolism reduces significantly forcing changes in diet habits and behavior. Experimenting with different eating styles will support best the way you feel and sleep. Adding foods rich in vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, fatty acids, amino acids and sugar nutrients provides the body with the right information to function properly. The quality and quantity of daily food are significant for your ideal weight.

Nutrition is more than food; nutrition can actually affect the expression of genes.


An ancient plant with great health potential. The special care and cultivation that goes into each aloe plant at Natural Aloe Costa Rica ensure the aloe stays potent from farm to bottle.

The rich volcanic soil provides unique nutrients making it the most potent, stable and extraordinary aloe extract in the world. Hand-harvested and hand filleted to protect the leaf’s inner gel.


Fruit and vegetables are vital and important protein, good fats and healthy carbohydrates.  A focussed diet is one of the most important factors to assure health. The body is designed to digest, process, absorb and eliminate waste to work properly. It is constantly working to assure proper function to repair, restore and heal;  cells, tissues, organs and your entire system.

Having the right dietary guidelines will provide a healthy digestive system and overall health.


Today’s lifestyle, growth in population, industrial agriculture, toxins and changes in our environment are a few of the factors that have contributed to the lack of nutritional value in our food. The body requires essential nutrients to maintain or improve your health.

Supplementation may be useful to fill in the gaps in our diets. Plant-sourced supplementation assures that your body absorbs the nutrients in the most efficient way.


Contact me to learn more about supplementation

A gut makeover for the new year!

in Nutrition, Wellness

The gut microbiome is the seeds to good health. The microbiome is influenced by birth and affected by the environment, culture and eating habits throughout life. It is the foundation for optimal health and often imbalances in the gut are the causes of many of the illnesses today. The microbiome is also susceptible to physical and emotional factors.
Great article from the New York Times. Highly recommend it….

What people say about Carolina

People from all over the world express their opinion.

  • “My absolutely amazing Life Style Coach Carolina Levie has helped me transform my body and mind for the better. Carolina’s approach is’s a very one-on-one open dialogue and learning experience. I highly recommend this regiment to will see what you can do for yourself or a loved one and truly have a better life. I’m are so very excited and am looking forward to learn more about Nutrition and Wellness.”
    Allen, New York
  • Three-weeks ago we made the decision to reset ourselves. We reset our gut with good, nutritious food and rested absolutely stress-free. Both of us are truly grateful to our amazing Life Style Coach Carolina Levie for helping us to transform our bodies and mind for the better. We are so very excited and are looking forward to learn more about Nutrition and Wellness.
    Maria, New York
  • “Last week my wife and I finished our four week Gut Reset Protocol with Carolina and we feel amazing. This program was a fantastic opportunity to make a life-style change in our eating habits. Carolina’s guidance, weekly motivational talks and whatsapp messages cheering us made the protocol a lot easier, more fun and of course enriching. Besides the weight loss we also increased our energy levels and my wife’s sleeping quality has improved.”
    Francisco & Nadine, Hannover

Time to change your lifestyle!

Contact Carolina Levie